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Sunday, March 15, 2009

Semper Fi Code Pink

As I mentioned earlier, I have done a lot of research into the Marines. While searching for a picture to put on my last blog, I came across this conflict between Berkeley California and the U.S. Marine Corp. As it turns out, the infamously liberal town’s city council actually voted and sent out a proclamation telling the U.S.M.C. recruiting station to leave and they were not welcome. When that didn’t work, a radical anti-war group called Code Pink stepped in to do the formal protesting. How ANYBODY gets away with protesting the fact that we have an at-will military is over my head. But these people are real loonies!

I searched through many videos to try and understand these people but I don’t think any quite capture the pure stupidity of their message as much as this one. I don’t know if you will think this is as funny as me, but I was cracking up! Enjoy!
(If only there was an organization that was sworn to defend that free speech-best part!)


Rachel Poulsen said...

Amazing find, Adam!

Clestial said...

Haha, love Jon Stewart. Hilarious!

"Really? You're interupting your own interview? Semper Fi, Code Pink"