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Sunday, August 10, 2008

Dived Vs. Dove

This world wide question has raised eyebrows and violent controversy throughout the centuries. Should it be Dived, or Dove? I personally feel it should be Dived, as to not confuse any readers of my blog. Because no, I had nothing to do with a little white bird that carries an olive branch in its mouth, as a symbol of peace. And likewise, I am not trying to promote a brand of soap and other hygiene condiments. Dived just plain sounds better!

Anyways! My family went on a little camping trip to Trial Lake this last week. We decided fishing Trial Lake was getting bland, so we decided to dive it this year! My Mom, Dad, Nate and I recently got certified this last February and I have been itching to try out my new skills! The cold water did not strike my Mom as a good time however, so my Dad was kind enough to be my dive buddy. He also let my brother Eric dive with me after a quick crash course (don’t worry, we only went to 15 feet so it was very safe).

We tried out a night dive Thursday night. We were excited to see the swarms of fish attracted to our lights and cheese whiz. We were quite disappointed though when we discovered fish like to SLEEP at night! And we were nothing but a nuisance to them! So we would swim around the bottom, find a sleeping fish, and try and shove cheese whiz in their mouth. This is was all in vain. I actually almost got to the point of completely burying a fish in cheese whiz. Because that’s what I do…pull pranks on sleeping fish. But an air bubble came out of the cheese whiz bottle making a “pop!” and waking the fish up, after which it quickly darted off.

I also got to try a few navigation dives. No one knows the meaning of disoriented until you’ve kicked for 10 minutes underwater only being able to see 8 feet around you, and having no view of the ground. Luckily, compasses are standard scuba equipment and we were able to navigate the ¾ Mile across the lake and come up pretty close to our original header! This may not sound fun to most but I had a great time.

Now that I’m done boring you all with my talk, just so you can get a feel for our little adventure, we took some pictures. Some turned out better than others but you’ll get the idea!

Best bread stick known to the human race. Good, old-fashioned, camp fire guitars.

Those tanks look light, But that package weighed about 50 lbs!

That thing looks like a shark! only...12 inches...

Our Strategy...Cheese Whiz in the hand. So hard to get a good picture of a hungry fish!


BigTDog said...
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Ellen Irion said...

dove for sure ... sorry. but your trip looks awesome!! not gonna lie kinda jealous, diving and chilling with our fam - ya thats awesome. miss you