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Friday, March 27, 2009

The Best Part of High School

Words cannot describe the glorious vacation we have formally dubbed spring break. These last few weeks of school have been nothing short of torture. I have often caught myself staring out the school windows, sub-consciously planning a runaway trip to St. George for the weekend so I can simply bask in the sun. Salt lake weather is nothing short of a tease. Right when you think it’s getting good, it smacks you in the face with a frigid snowstorm. The weather up here is getting better, but that is irrelevant where I am going!
A couple weeks ago my whole family was at my cousin’s house for my grandpas surprise birthday party. My cousin casually mentioned if anyone wanted to go stay with him in his beach house in Santa Monica, they were welcome to. And of course, I am taking him up on said offer. Santa Monica experiences an average of 340 days of sun a year. Their 5 day weather forecast is predicting highs of 75 and lows of 50. How can I pass up paradise? Best spring break ever.

So for all you paper chasers out there, I’m sorry you don’t get to experience spring break in the same glory as the education chasers. But you had your time. Spring break is quite simply the best part of high school.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Semper Fi Code Pink

As I mentioned earlier, I have done a lot of research into the Marines. While searching for a picture to put on my last blog, I came across this conflict between Berkeley California and the U.S. Marine Corp. As it turns out, the infamously liberal town’s city council actually voted and sent out a proclamation telling the U.S.M.C. recruiting station to leave and they were not welcome. When that didn’t work, a radical anti-war group called Code Pink stepped in to do the formal protesting. How ANYBODY gets away with protesting the fact that we have an at-will military is over my head. But these people are real loonies!

I searched through many videos to try and understand these people but I don’t think any quite capture the pure stupidity of their message as much as this one. I don’t know if you will think this is as funny as me, but I was cracking up! Enjoy!
(If only there was an organization that was sworn to defend that free speech-best part!)

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Stairs...The easy way

I am going to have one of these in my house one day.