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Tuesday, December 9, 2008


It seems to me as though the “most wonderful time of the year” is kind of the “most pitiful time of the year” when it comes to blogging. I know I haven’t blogged in a while but it seems as though no one else really has either! So I thought I’d just publish an update so I am not completely guilty as well.

Well… Tis’ the season to be a Swimmer. And all the wonderful things that come with it. Namely: 3 hours of practice a day, painful grunts as I tackle stairs, begging relatives for money for our fundraisers (thanks Jer and Barbs and Kerry!), and my personal favorite, hair slowly losing all color till it gradually resembles straw. You know you spend too much time in the pool when your hair is likely to burst into flame at any sign of fire. But alas, I somehow manage. The team got the opportunity to go down to St. George a few weeks ago and swim against our rivals, Snow Canyon. And I was surprise to be met by my own fan club! It was really great to have Barbs, Kerry, Grandma, and even Allie there! That still has been the best meet I’ve had all year. I have high hopes for the team this year. We look very competitive for state. So cross your fingers! It's also great to have family on the team! that's a picture of my cousin Ryan and I. Can't you see the resemblence?
I have this bad habit of taking mediocre-at-best ideas and capitalizing on their supidity. However, I got this idea a few days ago that I think would be awesome! As an athlete, I have always had this dream of competing in a Triathlon. However I don’t know much about it. If anybody has any information about how to train, or someone I could contact, it would be very much appreciated! Also, information on where I can purchase a decent road bike would be wonderful too! I really am going into this stone cold, but competing in an Olympic or Half-Ironman triathlon would be an awesome rite of passage to complete before my mission. And usually after stewing over these ideas for a few days I lose all interest, So who knows, I may be on to something with this! If anyone has any info that’d be great!