It seems to me that as school kicks in I start becoming more of zombie going through the motions than a human being making decisions like “where I want to be” and “what I’m doing”. But alas, it is time to reminisce.
I remembered this yesterday, and I don’t think my parents know about it. And since the wonderful cushion of time has been installed between me and the story, I think it is time to share.
I was 15 years old on a Saturday morning. I wake up at 8:30 and get ready to mow lawns. After filling up my water bottle and changing into my gym shorts and sleeveless shirt, I was ready to go. I head out only to find to my disappointment, the new truck my grandpa gave us parked right up against the fence that my lawn trailer was parked behind. Making it impossible for me to pull the 4X6 trailer out and then pull it, by hand, the 3 blocks to my lawns. Not unlike the pioneers crossing the plains did as I imagine it. (Yeah it sucked being such an ambitious 15 year old).
My parents were both gone before I woke up, and so was the only key to the truck. I had no idea where they were or when they would be back. But the wheels in my mind started to turn.
I didn’t know much about stick shifts, but I did know the emergency break is the only thing that keeps it from rolling forward or backward while the engine is off. And even better, I knew where this particular emergency break was! To top it all off, my driveway is on a slight slant! So I formulated a plan. I would get in the driver’s seat and take off the emergency break. The truck would start to roll backwards slowly and I would steer it till it was parallel in the driveway. I would then pull the E-break, bringing the truck to a stop, get my equipment out, and go mow lawns! I would return home later that day to my parents so inquisitive about how I got the truck out after which I would reveal to them my genius plan. And of course, they would praise my actions and ingenuity.
The facts I didn’t know were these: The particular spot I was parked on wasn’t slanted, steering columns will lock up if being driven without a key. And lastly, trucks are very heavy.
So I hop into the driver’s seat, push in the E-break, and nothing happens. I turn the wheel to try and get it to move enough to roll backwards, and the steering column locks up. I am convinced I didn’t have a brain at this point, because I then get out of the truck, with the emergency break still off, and walk to the tailgate and pull it backwards in an attempt to get it rolling. Of course, I succeed. The truck starts to roll backwards, and I am behind it. I panic and push against it with all my weight, bringing it to a slow stop after about 10 feet. I was now in a pickle. I am stuck in my driveway, on a Saturday morning, holding up a very heavy truck with my measly 140 pounds body weight. The cherry on top was the tree, about 20 feet away, that just so happened to be planted in the direct line of fire of this truck in the likely event of it to continue rolling.
So I sat there. Or for a more descriptive term, I grunted, quivered, panicked, sweated, and pushed against that truck with all my might for about 5 minutes. Luckily we live in the age of cell phones, and I was fortunate to have one on me.
So I call my friend who lives across the street. Trying to keep my voice sounding normal and unstrained. And it went something like this. His dad answers. I ask for Tizzy. He tells me he’s asleep. He asks me what I need. He happens to be next a window. He glances over at my house. Starts laughing. My face, amidst the sweat, goes even redder.
He walks across the street and helps me push the truck back up to its original resting place and we put the E-break on once and for all.
My parents came home about 10 minutes later. I don’t quite remember what I told them. I might’ve told them this whole story, I’m not sure. But moral of the story: Don’t be stupid!